
Join the Copperfield Community Association!

Memberships are valid for 1 year from the date of purchase.

It is through memberships that we can provide services to the community. Active members are the key!

Click here to log into your membership account.

How membership benefits you, and what the CCA does for the community:

  • Discounted registration prices on many of our programs and events.
  • Discounted registration prices on many of the Mahogany HOA Beach Club programs and events.
  • Discounted rentals on our Community Hall facility.
  • Brings the members up-to-date information and becomes a voice for the community on important planning and development issues with the City of Calgary.
  • Meets with Councillor and MLA to bring community issues to light.
  • Develops and maintains CMCA website with community & event information.
  • Helps create a more active involved community presence in the community!
  • Entitles you to a vote at the CMCA Annual General Meeting.
  • Qualifies you to join the CMCA Board of Directors and make a difference in how the community association is managed

Support your community and purchase your membership here.

FAQ: What is a Community Association and how is it different from a resident’s/homeowner’s association?

A community association is an organization formed by the residents of an area:

  • to manage and direct its social and recreational activities
  • to act as an intervener in civic matters (planning and development)
  • to plan, develop and maintain community facilities and amenities
  • membership is a voluntary $30.00 per household per year

A resident’s/homeowner’s association:

Residential developers plan and create new communities with additional amenities such as green spaces, parks, tree lined boulevards, and much more. These communities are turned over to the City of Calgary from the developers once residents start to move in. There are some improvements in these communities that the City of Calgary does not recognize and maintain, including optional amenities like water fountains, gazebos, park features, lakes and golf courses. The residents associations were put in place to operate, maintain and manage these amenities by utilizing the revenue from residents fees. Membership in the residents association is compulsory and the annual fee is collected by the residents association through a caveat on title.

Questions about becoming a member? Contact